Amy L

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Hair Color: 


Dance Instructor
Charlotte, North Carolina
Oklahoma City University


COLLEGE & DEGREE: Oklahoma City University, Bachelor of Performing Arts in Dance Performance
DATE OF GRADUATION: May 2015/May 2011
OCCUPATION: Dance Instructor 

Former Dallas Cowboys: Emmitt Smith  
Movie: He’s Just Not That Into You, 27 Dresses
Quote: Deuteronomy 31:6- “Be Strong and Courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
DFW Area Restaurant: Ozona’s Grill
Article of Clothing: Headbands and Oversized Sweaters
Phone App: My Waze app is a lifesaver, because I’m always lost, and I use Spotify everyday when I teach dance.
Cartoon Character: Minnie Mouse
TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal
Holiday: I LOVE Christmas
Charity: Mission of Hope, Haiti
Ice Cream: Reese’s and Cookies N Cream 

WHAT IS YOUR JUNK FOOD WEAKNESS?  I am obsessed with Pizza!
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM LUNCH DATE? My dream lunch date would be at Dave & Busters where we eat pizza of course, and then both compete all night in playing games and seeing who could win the most tickets. 
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM JOB?  Dancing and Singing on Broadway
WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FEAR? Bugs! Especially Spiders and Cockroaches
WHAT IS AN EMBARRASSING MOMENT? When I was competing for Miss Dance of America I had mono and strep throat and cracked really loudly while introducing myself on the microphone in front of the entire audience of hundreds of people.
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? No pets, but I really want a Pomsky.
WHO IS THE MOST INSPIRATIONAL PERSON IN YOUR LIFE? My mom will always be my number one role model and hero.
WHAT IS YOUR DREAM VACATION DESTINATION? I’ve always wanted to go to New Zealand and Australia. 
IF YOU HAD TO PICK TWO CELEBRITIES TO BE YOUR PARENTS WHO WOULD YOU CHOOSE?  Channing Tatum & Jenna Dewan because they’re both dancers!
LIST 5 WORDS THAT DESCRIBE YOU: Bubbly, Positive, Determined, Caring, Loyal
WHAT IS ONE THING MOST PEOPLE WOULD BE SURPRISED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU? I was a really big dork all growing up in middle school and high school, and was in band for 6 years as a percussionist.
DO YOU HAVE ANY NICKNAMES? In training camp I was given the name Sparkles, and I’ve also been called Sunshine, Smiley, and Aims.
WHAT FAMOUS PERSON (DEAD OR ALIVE) WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE DINNER WITH? WHY? Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, because they are two dancers who set the standard of dance in the 1900’s, and I would love to pick their brains about their careers and how they truly became dance legends.
WHAT IS THE MOST EMBARRASING SONG ON YOUR IPOD RIGHT NOW? I have 10 albums of Kids Bop on my phone for when I teach, but they sometimes pop up on my shuffle and people always die laughing when they hear it.  
WHAT IS YOUR GUILTY PLEASURE? Eating Ice Cream out of the Carton
WHAT WOULD BE YOUR SUPER POWER? Flying, because then I wouldn’t have to pay for expensive tickets to go home and see my family.
FINISH THIS STATEMENT: I am most proud of…. the person I have become and the standards and morals I have kept my whole life.  
WHAT IS YOUR DANCING BACKGROUND AND EXPERIENCE?I grew up dancing at a studio in NC since the age of 2 in all styles, and was there for my whole life where I competed on the competition team from the ages of 6-18. I then decided to be a Dance Performance Major in college and have performed professionally in numerous shows and now teach dance at a studio in Southlake.
WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO AUDITION FOR DCC? After moving to Oklahoma City for college I learned more about the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders and once I became a Senior I remember passing the stadium over Thanksgiving break and starting to have the dream of performing there and becoming a DCC. I knew they were the best in the NFL and not just beautiful women on the outside but amazing ambassadors of the organization too. They are role models for thousands of girls around the world. I wanted nothing more than to be one of them and have the opportunity to influence and inspire people in a positive manner through my biggest passion, dancing. 
IF YOU CAN SAY ANYTHING TO COWBOYS FANS, WHAT WOULD YOU SAY? I would just give a huge thank you to them for all the support they continue to show us, and the Cowboys organization as a whole. Without the fans, we would not be nearly as successful as we are, and I appreciate them all so much for making me constantly feel so special!
WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE SOMEONE WHO DREAMS OF BECOMING A DCC? I would first and foremost tell them to never give up. Becoming a DCC is a long rigorous journey, but it is worth every drop of sweat, every tear shed, and every minute of rehearsal. You have to be strong in who you are, and never forget to show your true self, not who you think they want you to be. Take as many dance classes as you can before the audition and come prepared, focused, and ready for the journey of a lifetime.
WHAT DO YOU LIKE MOST ABOUT BEING A PART OF DCC? My favorite part of being a DCC is easily becoming best friends with the women I am around every day. The DCC’s are one of a kind and each one of my teammates holds such a special place in my heart and are part of memories that I will cherish forever. It really is a sisterhood and I know these girls would have my back through anything and everything, and I could not be more 
grateful to be a part of it