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Staffing Coordinator
Long Island, NY
4 Year Veteran


Education: Degree in Sociology
Hobbies: Cooking and playing with my french bulldog, Lulu!
Dance Background & Experience: 16 years of competitive dance in a studio, 4 years competitive varsity highschool dance team, 3 years in the NFL with the NY Jets, and now my 3rd year with DCC! :)
Words to live by/favorite quote: "In a world where you can be anything, be yourself."
Five words that describe you: Genuine, Passionate, Silly, Loyal, Determined
Former Player: Emmitt Smith.  We had the honor of meeting Emmitt my rookie year as we were rehearsing one night.  He was just so down to earth and gave us great advice.  He is a class act.
Movie: Dirty Dancing, it's just a classic!
DFW Area Restaurant: Gotta love Nick & Sam's for Sunday brunch!
Article of Clothing: A great pair of pumps!
Phone App: Shazaam!  For a music lover like me, its the BEST app.
Cartoon Character: Ariel from The Little Mermaid (I wanted to be her when I was little)
TV Show: Anything on ID (Investigation Discovery)
Holiday: I LOVE Christmas time, especially in NYC.
Charity: Salvation Army-Doing the most good!
Ice Cream: Cookie Dough all the way
Junk Food Weakness: Taco Bell...not ashamed.
One thing most people would be surprised to learn is... Well if you know me you wouldnt be surprised, but some might be surprised to know that I am very clumsey.  I trip all the time!  I can somehow get through an entire Cowboys game dancing and running around, but walking and using stairs in my day to day life seems to be a struggle for me.  I just laugh at myself. :)
Biggest Fear: Besides spiders, it would be being kidnapped!  Maybe it's all the shows I watch on TV...
What would be your superpower? Teleportation! I wish I could just snap my fingers and be somewhere else in the world.  It would make living so far from home a lot easier!
Most Embarrassing Moment: I don't get embarressed anymore, if I mess up at something I just laugh it off!
Dream Job: Already living it! :)
Dream Vacation Destination: Hawaii
Why did you decide to audition for the DCC? They are the most iconic and recgonized cheerleaders in the world!  I couldn't pass up the opportunity to try and become one of America's Sweethearts!
What are some of your DCC highlights? I would say my biggest highlight thus far, would be auditioning for my second season with a HORRIFIC foot injury.  I still to this day can't believe I actually did that!  But the strength, courage and perseverance it took for me to get out there and dance through the pain and actually make it though, was amazing.  Not to mention the incredible support from my teammates who cheered me on the whole time.  I would do it again in a heartbeat.
Advice for someone who dreams of becoming a DCC: The only person standing in your way, is you!!  If you truly want to become a DCC just go for it.  If it doesnt go your way the first time around, keep going!  True failure is when you stop trying.  If you believe in it, dont give up!